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CIPC  Company Registrations


We are registered CIPC Customers and can register new start-up companies; do Director amendments and Close Corporation to Company conversions.

CIDB Registrations


We do all the paperwork to get you a Construction Industry Development Board Grading. 


NHBRC Registrations


If your Company does general building, registration with the National Home Builders Registration Council is necessary. We take care of this for you. 

Monthly EMP201 returNS

After processing Salaries and Wages, PAYE, UIF and SDL are submitted and paid on your behalf. This is critical to get Tax Clearance Certificates for tenders.

Monthly VAT Returns


We are registered SARS Tax Practitioners. Monthly or bi-monthly returns are calculated, prepared and submitted on your behalf. Important for Tax Clearance Certificates for tenders.


SAFCEC Registrations


The South African Forum of Civil Engineering Contractors (SAFCEC) is a democratised, member-focused, member-driven employers’ organisation. We take care of the registration for all Civil Engineering Contractors.

Annual Company Tax Returns


We also do your Provisional Tax and Annual Income Tax Returns, utilising Legal ways of avoiding tax. 

Monthly Management Accounts

To track your performance against Budget, which we can also prepare for you. 

Annual Financial Statements

Prepared according to IFRS standards. Ready for Audit. Again, crucial for Tenders.

Annual Audit


We are linked to most medium sized Audit Companies.  


Through our sister company Khula Tsogo Projects (Pty) Ltd, 

salaries and wages

On a fully automated Payroll system.


We take care of this frequently problematic function for most Construction companies, which causes their staff a lot of stress.

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