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AMP Enterprises is a Company born out of the need for efficient and effective Accounting and Administration services in post-1994 South Africa. In the Construction industry especially, there is an abundance of operational skill in the form of builders, plumbers, electricians and even engineers, but conversely, there is a severe dearth in Financial and Administration skills.


The result is that many Companies with exceptional operational skills are not even allowed to tender for projects, because their Financial, Administration and Tax affairs are in a mess. This is where AMP Enterprises steps in, and provides the skills necessary to ensure that all these areas of your business are meticulously rectified, to make your Company fully compliant.


AMP Enterprises (Pty) Ltd is therefore your one stop shop for being awarded Government tenders, which will be expanded on later, and ensuring that your Financial and Tax affairs are fully compliant.

Marlon Pillay - Managing Director

AMP Enterprises has an abundance of Financial and Operational experience in the Construction Industry. The Managing Director has 10 years of Financial Management experience in the Construction Industry, is a registered SARS Tax Practitioner and Customs officer, is a CIPC Customer and is accredited by The South African Institute of Professional Accountants. The Operations Manager has 15 years of Civil Construction experience, specializing in pipelines. 


Khula Tsogo Projects (Pty) Ltd

AMP Enterprises has a close business relationship with Khula Tsogo Projects (Pty) Ltd, who are Construction Brokers, and whose Directors can broker Government work through their various relationships in Municipal and Local Governments.

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